10.01.2022 – 09:02
Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin
Bochum (ots)
On the morning of Sunday (January 9), a 30-year-old stole a man’s mobile phone while he was sleeping on a regional express train. A Deutsche Bahn employee noticed the crime and prevented the escape attempt.
At about 5 am, the Federal Police at the main train station in Bochum was informed of a robbery in RE 1. After entering the train, officers met the wounded (24), witnesses and the 30-year-old on the platform. The 24-year-old told officers that he slept on the train with his mobile phone in hand. Witnesses (24, 62) saw the act and drew Monster’s attention to the loss of his smartphone.
The 62-year-old train employee was able to hear how the 30-year-old took the mobile phone from the sleeping man’s hand. The railway employee immediately followed the Algerian citizen because he wanted to leave the train. Addressed the young man and asked him to hand over the mobile. Another witness (24) came to assist the railway employee. Since the Algerian behaved increasingly aggressive, the 62-year-old sought support from other railway employees who were also on the train. Until the arrival of the Federal Police, they detained the alleged thief.
Federal police have asked the 30-year-old from Monster to hand over the smartphone to its rightful owner. Apologize to the injured person for what he did. Since the man could not identify himself, the Federal Police took him to the station.
Officers have requested video recordings from the train and are now evaluating them. The Federal Police has initiated criminal proceedings against the 30-year-old for theft.
Please send any inquiries to:
Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin
Dortmund Federal Police Inspection
press office
Ann Rudy
Tel: +49 (0) 231/56 22 47-1011
Car: +49 (0) 171/30 55131
Email: presse.do@polizei.bund.de
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Lower Brinkstrasse 81-89
44141 Dortmund
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Original content by: Bundespolizeidirektion Sankt Augustin, transmitted by aktuell news
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