▷ POL-CLP: press releases for the Vechta region

26.03.2021 – 09:40

Cloppenburg / Vechta Police Station

Kloppenburg / Vechta (OTS)

Fishta – Try to break into an apartment building

On Friday, March 26, 2021, at around 2 a.m., a break-in attempt occurred on Petersburger Strasse. An unknown criminal so far destroyed a window in order to penetrate the building. Did not succeed. When an 81-year-old resident noticed him, he fled the scene. Property damage is estimated at around 800 euros. Vechta Police (tel. 04441-9430) will receive the relevant information.

Vechta – a fire in the house of one family

On Thursday, March 25, 2021, around 2:09 PM, a fire broke out on Vechtaer Marsch Street. For some reason previously unknown, the roof structure of one family home caught fire. Residents were not at home. The Vechta fire brigade moved with 13 vehicles and 80 emergency services and managed to extinguish the fire. The house is not inhabitable until further notice. Property damage is estimated at 250,000 euros. No one is hurt. An investigation into the cause of the fire continues.

Neuenkirchen – Vörden – Fraudulent text messages about alleged parcel deliveries

On Monday, March 22nd, 2021, there was fraud in the Neuenkirchen-Vorden area. A 26-year-old woman received a text message on her mobile phone stating that a parcel was about to be delivered. After clicking on the link, several applications were installed on the mobile phone, which in turn sent SMS messages. Currently this type of fraud can be observed in Cloppenburg and Vechta Counties. Police advise against clicking on these links. The message must be deleted from the device. Do not allow the installation of unknown applications. It is also recommended that your carrier set up a third-party block so that additional costs can be avoided. If you click on the link anyway, it is recommended to switch the device to airplane mode so that the mobile phone cannot receive any external commands anymore. Then the device must be reset to factory settings so that harmful apps will be removed. If necessary, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the personal data beforehand. You should also verify the logins and passwords for your user accounts.


Cloppenburg and Vechta – Fraudulent calls, descendants scam / shock call

On Thursday, March 25, 2021, there were several fraudulent calls in Cloppenburg and Vechta Counties. The perpetrators told the contacting party that a relative, often a grandson or son / daughter, had an accident and is now in need of a large sum of money. The police always recommend that you consult family members when calling. If in doubt, call the person alleged to be in an emergency situation and verify the information. Often perpetrators try to increase the stress and use the summoned party’s anxiety so that they do not become suspicious. If there is any doubt, the discussions should be ended immediately.


Please contact:

Cloppenburg / Vechta Police Station
Hendrik Ibmaier, Book
press office
Phone: 04471 / 1860-103
Email: pressestelle@pi-clp.polizei.niedersachsen.de
penburg_vechta / Welcome to the cloppenb police search

Original content from: Police Inspection Cloppenburg / Vechta, reported by Aktuell News

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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