▷ POL-F: 211209-1473 Frankfurt-Bahnhofsviertel: Arrest after theft

09.12.2021 – 15:16

Police headquarters in Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt (ots)

(M) Last night (December 8, 2021) a 26-year-old smartphone was stolen. The suspect was arrested shortly thereafter.

At around 10pm, the 26-year-old crossed Taunusstrasse with his mobile phone in hand. When he was in the middle of the street, he was suddenly struck by an unknown 56-year-old man. His Xiaomi smartphone fell to the ground. Another stranger picked up the cell phone and ran away with it. When the 26-year-old wanted to continue the chase, the 56-year-old initially stopped him until he suddenly ran toward the main train station. The victim followed the suspect until the two ran into employees of DB Sicherheit, who immediately reported it to the police. Then the handcuffs clicked on the 56-year-old alleged perpetrator.

After carrying out police procedures, the alleged offender was released for lack of grounds for detention. Investigations are still ongoing, especially regarding the second thief and the whereabouts of the stolen goods. The Frankfurt Criminal Investigation Department receives the relevant information at the phone number 069-75551499 or any other police station.

Please send any inquiries to:

Police headquarters in Frankfurt am Main
press office
70- Nada
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Direct access Monday through Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tel: 069 / 755-82110 (CvD)
Fax: 069 / 755-82009
Email: pressestelle.ppffm@polizei.hessen.de
Home Police Headquarters Fact Finding Mission: http://www.polizei.hessen.de/ppffm

Original content by: Police Headquarters Frankfurt am Main, transmitted by aktuell news

Brooke Vargas

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