▷ POL-HB: No.: 0513 – Bremen Police implements traffic controls –

08.07.2021 – 16:38

Bremen police

Bremen (ots)

Ort: 	Bremen, Hastedter Osterdeich / Osterholzer Heerstraße / Waller Heerstraße
Zeit: 	07.07.2021 und 08.07.2021 

On Wednesday and Thursday, the police conducted three traffic checks in the Bremen area. The focus of the measures was on the topic of “distraction”. Emergency services have screened about 100 people and punished, among other things, 64 cell phone violations.

Two traffic controls were implemented on Wednesday. The first is between 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon in Hastedter Osterdeich, the corner of Eberleinweg. Police stopped 25 vehicles and found a total of 20 violations. Eleven drivers used a mobile phone while driving and nine people failed to wear seat belts. Another examination took place between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm in the Osterholzer Heerstraße at the corner of the Osterholzer Landstraße. Emergency services stopped a total of 34 vehicles and found numerous violations. Twenty-seven people used their mobile phones while driving and seven others ignored the requirement to wear seat belts. The third examination took place on Thursday between 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at Waller Heerstrasse at the corner of Waller Strasse. Police, with the help of customs officers, screened 49 drivers. Twenty-six people, including three cyclists, illegally dragged their cell phones into the road. Police officers caught the driver Bidlik driving a red light. One person violated the obligation to wear seat belts and emergency services found technical defects such as damaged tires in three cars. The police issued reports of administrative offenses and issued warnings.

Controls enhance safety in road traffic and are implemented regularly. Bremen police are now examining the findings in further assessments. You can also get advice on correct behavior in traffic at the Bremen Police Prevention Center (Am Wall 195, 28195 Bremen, tel: (0421) 362-19003 or on the Internet www.polizei.bremen.de

Please contact:

Bremen Police Press Office
Jagoda Matic
Phone: 0421 12114362

Original content by: Bremen Police, transmitted by aktuell news

Brooke Vargas

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