▷ POL-HG: Intrusions into underground garages +++ Trick thief steals elderly bike +++ from …

10.11.2021 – 16:25

PD Hochtaunus – Police headquarters west of Hesse

Bad Homburg vd Höhe (ots)

1. Bicycle thieves break into underground garages, Oberursel, Frankfurter Landstrasse / Lessingstrasse, November 8, 2021, from 7.30 pm to November 9, 2021, 7.30 am.

(pa) In Oberursel, two underground garages were reportedly broken into on Tuesday morning, with perpetrators targeting high-quality bikes. The events took place between Monday evening and Tuesday morning in Frankfurter Landstraße and Lessingstraße. In both cases, strangers forcibly gained access to underground parking in apartment buildings. Apparently the perpetrators did not pay attention to the cars parked in the garages. Instead, it was the bikes parked there that piqued their interest. In Frankfurter Landstrasse, they stole a race bike from the manufacturer “Giant” and two mountain bikes of the “Cannondale” and “BMC” brands. Thieves stole an electric bike from manufacturer Cube in Lessingstrasse. The total value of the bikes stolen at the two locations is more than 15,000 euros. The Criminal Police in Bad Homburg are investigating and receiving information at (06172) 120-0.

2. The resourceful thief steals from the senior,

Bad Homburg vd Höhe, Ludwigstrasse, November 8, 2021, around 2 p.m.

(PA) On a Monday afternoon in Bad Homburg, an elderly man was stolen by a fraudulent thief. He was 89 years old in Ludwigstrasse in the spa garden area around 2 p.m. when an unknown man approached him. He asked his elder to change him some changes. When the 89-year-old complied with the request, the stranger used a favorable moment to reach the bill compartment in the wallet unnoticed. Then he walked away down Ludwigstrasse in an unknown direction. Only the old man later noticed that several hundred euros were missing from his wallet. The perpetrator was described as being about 45 years old, 175 cm tall and thin. He is said to have had dark, short hair, a well-groomed appearance, and red cheeks. The thief who did not speak German wore a long coat. The investigation team of the Bad Homburg Police Station is requesting information on the phone number (06172) 120-0.

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3. A bicycle was stolen from the fire station, Bad Homburg vd Höhe, Dietigheimer Straße, November 8, 2021, around 6.40 pm.

(Pennsylvania) On Monday, a bicycle was stolen from the fire brigade headquarters at Deetigmerstrasse in Bad Homburg. According to preliminary findings, the theft occurred in the early evening around 6.40 pm. A stranger climbed over the fence and stole a Focus mountain bike – a Fat Boy – worth around €500 from the bike park. There is a description of the offender. He must be between 20 and 40 years old and of athletic standing. The man carried a gym bag. The investigation team of the Bad Homburg Police Station has received information at (06172) 120-0.

4. Thefts from garden sheds.

Steinbach, Birkenweg / Stettiner Straße, November 6, 2021 to November 9, 2021

(PA) In the past few days, one or more thieves have been working in a designated park in Steinbach. On Tuesday, the owners of several parcels of the facility located in the Birkenweg / Stettiner Straße district filed a complaint after finding out that someone had gained unauthorized access to their gardens and that some items had been stolen. Food and a speaker box were stolen from a garden shed. Clothes were stolen from another hut that had been forcibly accessed. Potential witnesses are asked to contact the investigation team at Koenigstein Police Station at (06174) 9266-0.

5. A stolen mountain bike.

Kronberg im Taunus, Eichenstraße, November 8, 2021, from 7.45 pm to 8.15 pm.

(PA) In Kronberg, strangers stole a mountain bike on Monday evening, even though it was attached to a house wall. The act took place between 7.45pm and 8.15pm on Eichenstrasse. The bike owner had parked his bike on the outside wall of his family’s home. To secure it, the man secured it to a wall-mounted device with a lock. However, this unknown thief was not deterred yet. They dismantled the device from the outer wall, which enabled them to bypass the safety device on the bike and escape undetected on the gray Marlin-branded mountain bike. The stolen bike is worth a few hundred euros. Witnesses are asked to contact the investigation team at the Koenigstein Police Department at (06174) 9266-0.

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6. An 11-year-old’s mobile phone was stolen,

Basten, Crossgacy, November 8, 2021, around 1:15 p.m.

(PA) A boy stole his mobile phone in Usin on Monday. An 11-year-old was in Kreuzgasse around 1:15 p.m. when two other boys approached him. One of them suddenly disconnected from his 11-year-old’s cell phone. With the older iPhone “6S”, the duo escaped through Klaubergasse in the direction of Bahnhofstrasse. The perpetrators are said to be between 13 and 14 years old. One of them was about 150 cm tall and thin. He wore a hoodie and blue jeans, had light skin, and spoke German without an accent. His partner is said to be a little taller and fat around 160cm. His complexion was darker and he was wearing a white shirt and a fragrant band around his chest. The Criminal Police in Bad Homburg asks for information on (06172) 120-0

7. Drive it in front of a parked car.

Oberursel, Freiligrathstraße, November 9, 2021, around 10:20 p.m.

(PA) On Tuesday evening, a female driver was injured in a collision with a parked car in Oberursel. At about 10:20 pm, a 62-year-old Renault driver was driving on Freiligrathstraße from Erich-Ollenhauer-Straße in the direction of Berliner Straße. Due to negligence, the woman first ran over by planting a parking lot with her car. Then your Renault hit a parked Volkswagen, pushing it against another Volkswagen. The driver of the Renault car was slightly injured in the collision. She received first aid from the rescue service on site. Total damages of more than 7,000 euros were caused to her car and two Volkswagens.

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Please contact:

Police headquarters west of Hesse – Wiesbaden
Konrad Adenauer ring 51
65,187 Wiesbaden
press office
Phone: (0611) 345-1045 / 1041/1042
Email: pressestelle.ppwh@polizei.hessen.de

Original content by: PD Hochtaunus – Police headquarters in West Hesse, transmitted by aktuell news

Brooke Vargas

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