03.03.2021 – 10:32
Stralsund Police Station
Western Pomerania Province – Rügen (OTS)
The Police Headquarters in Neubrandenburg reported yesterday (2 March 2021) that the initial controls for the national campaign “Drive.Ankommen.LEBEN!” With the two main topics “Overtaking” and “Mobile Phone” (see https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/108747/4851837).
In the area of responsibility of the Stralsund Police Station, about 20 police officers were on duty and they checked traffic at various locations for several hours. They found a total of eight overrun violations. In addition, 16 drivers illegally used the mobile phone while driving. In this context, cyclists should expect a fine of 55 euros, while motorists can expect a fine of 100 euros and two points being entered into the central traffic register.
In addition, the officers punished a total of 19 speeding offenses and eleven other traffic offenses.
Controls are ongoing and will continue throughout the entire month of March.
Please contact:
Stralsund Police Station
Matthias Muller
Phone: 03831 / 245-205
Email: pressestelle-pi.stralsund@polizei.mv-regierung.de
Internet: http://www.polizei.mvnet.de
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Polizei_HST
Facebook social networking site: https://www.facebook.com/PolizeiStralsund
Original content from: Stralsund Police Station, transmitted via aktuell news
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