02.09.2021 – 11:34
Wolfsburg Police
Wolfsburg (OTS)
Konigslutter, AM plan
01.09.2021, 5.15 pm
On Wednesday afternoon, a 25-year-old tormentor was seen stealing a cell phone from an unlocked car on Am Plan Street. A witness immediately called the police. Due to the good description of the person, the thief can be found after a short time. He still had his cell phone with him.
Late on a Wednesday afternoon, the 66-year-old Königslauterner was on rue am Blanc when he noticed a small group of people. A man in the group opened the door of a parked Opel and apparently pulled out a cell phone. The witness immediately called the police and watched in which direction they were going. Due to the very good personal description, the four men can be found and checked in the shopping center area. The officers who were deployed found that the 25-year-old had two cell phones with him. In the course of investigations, the owner of the Opel can be identified. Find this on his cell phone. According to him, his car was unlocked. This time all went well and the mobile could be returned to the owner. The tormentor was charged with theft.
In this context, the police again advised that cars should always be locked and valuables should not be left in the car, at least in the clear.
Please contact:
Wolfsburg Police
Melanie from the first half
Phone: 05361-4646104
Email: [email protected]
Original content by: Wolfsburg Police, transmitted by aktuell news
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