15 Days of Free Games from the Epic Games Store: One of the highlights of 2019 presented for Day #11!

Epic Games We messed up yesterday victim Free for 24 hours in the frame 15 days of free games from the Epic Games Store. It necessarily decreases in intensity by presenting a game now that is definitely more modern and popular, but it is Already offered for free this year : monitoring.

15 days of free games from the Epic Games Store revealed on Day 11

If you do not unlock access to this competitor under GOTY In 2019, you have until December 27 at 4:59 p.m. to do so.


After a secret agency in New York is invaded by an unknown mystical force, it’s up to you to become a boss to take back control.

In this supernatural action and adventure game from video game development studio Remedy Entertainment, you will need to master supernatural powers, adjustable ammo, and responsive environments, all while fighting in a relentless and relentless world.

Control tells the story of Jesse Faden and her personal quest for answers while taking on her new role as director. The world of Control has its own history, as do allies Jesse over time. As Jesse teams up with other Bureau agents, she reveals strange experiences and secrets.

15 days of free games from the Epic Games Store, today 12

Tomorrow, the game that will be offered for free is tea By wand symbols: the smartest has already guessed the reference to mages of AustraliaAn action-adventure game set in an enchanting world.

Vignette Editorhelp
Your favorite editor’s favorite writer since 2009, passionate about rocking music, fan of sitcoms of all kinds. I’ve played Pokemon a lot in my life.
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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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