25 Years of Smartphones: Communication Museum Show

Just in time to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the smartphone, the Museum of Communications (MFK) in Frankfurt presents a convenient online exhibition. Includes “Smartphone.25 – Tell Me!” Various chapters such as “Digital Everyday Life”, “Smart Stories” or “Smartphone History” tell technical developments as well as social changes.

Frankfurt/Main – The digital presentation can be accessed online from Sunday. There is actually an anniversary display next to the MFK entrance, where the “Nokia 9000 Communicator” can be seen. The model, which was launched on August 15, 1996, was the first mobile phone with internet access.

A few months ago, the museum invited interested parties to send in old cell phones and report on their experiences with the devices. Nationwide, more than 80 people have participated so far, and it is possible to submit applications until the end of the year.

The first few “Smart Stories” in the gallery can be read online, and more will follow soon. “Personal stories allow users to take an entertaining tour through the history of mobile phones,” museum director Helmut Gold said on Thursday. The phones will be given a place in the Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunications’ collection, which also includes the Telecommunications Museum in Berlin. dpa

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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