5 best one-handed phone apps

Using a large mobile phone doesn’t have to be inconvenient so it’s best to check out these apps to make it easier to use peripherals with one hand.

Currently, a large percentage of mobile devices have a file Screen over 6 inchesSomething perfect for many, especially when eaten multimedia content.

However, many users prefer Use the phone with one handAnd owning a large device, it is difficult for them.

The good news is that you can do this through some of the Android mobile apps. In this article you will know The best apps to use the mobile with one hand.

The best apps for using the phone with one hand

  • One-hand operation +
  • Smooth Navigation Gestures
  • The sidebar screen switches quickly
  • Quick slider: one-handed mode
  • Nova Launcher

This function can be realized in different devices of original methodEspecially on Xiaomi phones. However, you need to know these handheld tools to get the most out of your Android device.

One-hand operation +

One-handed operation +: a variety of mobile device functions

One-handed operation +: a variety of mobile device functions

One of the most apps Use the phone with one hand east One-hand operation +. Marked by A variety of functionsAnd above all, it is constantly updated by incorporating new things.

In its database you will find a file Great variety of gestures, which you can use with your thumb only. You can too Gesture composition And open the app you want, for example: create a crescent moon on the screen and it will open the Settings app.

As if that wasn’t enough, the app includes a file small list which you can place on the right or left side of the screen, in this menu you will have all the applications that are on the mobile phone More comfortable access.

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Smooth Navigation Gestures

last of The best alternatives to using the mobile with one hand east Smooth Navigation GesturesThis app Two main actions: “Swipe and hold”, both can be activated from the bottom or side of the screen. It is interesting that Side Steroids They are only available in the lower half of the screen.

Thanks to Main steps You can configure different actions such as: Recent appsSplit screen switch Open notificationsopen power dialog, open quick settings, Voice search, among other things. This is without a doubt Automate and improve the experience to the user.

The sidebar screen switches quickly

One of the Complete mobile applications with one finger east The sidebar screen switches quickly. This amazing app gives you the ability to Fully manage your device On the side of the mobile phone, both from the left and from the right.

You should Slide from side to side It will immediately display a file floating list. east The menu is fully customizableThat is, you will be able to modify both the interface and the applications or functions that you want to do to your liking.

Quick slider: one-handed mode

Quick Pointer: Everything at your fingertips

Quick Pointer: Everything at your fingertips

If you have big phone Like a tablet or if you have very small fingers, you should consider Quick slider: one-handed mode. With this application, you can get a file “pointer” on your device, like computer mouse pointer.

Using this function is very simple, it’s just a matter Swipe from bottom to center from the screen or sweep on each side The screen is towards the center and the cursor will appear quickly.

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This cursor can be brought to any side of the screen and you only need to touch the screen once to click where it is, then the cursor will disappear in Fixed and configurable time.

Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher - Mobile Personalization

Nova Launcher – Mobile Personalization

Nova Launcher was one of the User’s Favorite AppsBecause it allows extensive personalization of mobile devices, among which are: Icon customizationinstall theme, change printing And so.

However, one of the functions that few people know about is floating listWhich you can add at any time Better and faster access to mobile functions.

To enter this menu you will just have to slide your finger from the side you made (left or right) towards the center, and this will display floating list With different preset functions, for example: messaging apps, video games, gadgets…

As you can see, there are many apps to use the phone with one hand and you don’t die trying so try one of these alternatives and let us know how it went. Similarly, you can learn how to enable one-handed mode in Android 12.

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