The future of travel National Geographic

The magnetic lift capsule departs silently through a vacuum tube from Munich to Barcelona within an hour. Among the commuters, some day hikers sit on their way to the shores of the Catalan capital. Other passengers go to the International Spaceport for a weekend flight in weightlessness. Such visions of the future could come from Jules Verne. Some of his predictions from the nineteenth century, such as the manned flight to the moon or submarines, became a reality. Projects like Hyperloop or Space Tourism hardly look any less daring. Are you a daydream away from whimsical billionaires? Or will it really revolutionize travel in the future? One thing is for sure: Coronavirus, climate change and new technology make it necessary and possible to change our travel behavior. Look at what might come.

Digitizing the journey

“Digitization will transform travel in the areas of security, visitor management, and when booking and reserving attractions,” says tourism researcher Harald Zeiss of the Harz University of Applied Sciences.

Travel by application

Traveling these days is often to be expected. “If you are in Paris, you have to climb the Eiffel Tower. Take the gondola in Venice. It is completely exterior designed,” says Zeiss. Often stopping us from the biggest adventures is the fear of uncertain situations. Would we ever find our way off the beaten track and be able to communicate? A smartphone can take this worry out of us. “We will not only move in Venice, but also come to lesser known places. Get around there in advance using Google Maps. People talk on their cell phones on the site. This instantly translates into Italian and vice versa.” Other apps allow us to switch apartments temporarily instead of renting a hotel. . Or simply pop into the next best entry-level car. We also get tips about original bars, hotels or restaurants on our smartphones, for example via the Twisper recommendations platform.

Virtual Reality

Once in a lifetime to climb Mount Everest or dive into the wreck of the Titanic? Visually at least, this is possible with virtual reality glasses. Sitting comfortably on the sofa, the user can look around in all directions in the 360-degree videos. This also changes the vacation in real life:
In the future, we’ll look around the beach or hotel before booking instead of just clicking pictures. On site, we are getting completely new insights: it is indeed possible today to tour the Acropolis of Athens and enjoy virtual reconstructions of thousands of years old buildings including mosaics and frescoes.

Travel life

Who wouldn’t want to live on the beaches of Curaçao or the Maldives and earn money at the same time? Many jobs today are no longer associated with a fixed site. Online meetings allow carrying out IT, graphic design, marketing or journalism activities without being in the office. There is actually a growing community of digital nomads who feel at home in the co-working spaces of Bangkok or Cape Town.

Exhibition: A World Tour in 28 Shots

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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