Try virtual reality in practice

your spanish. Try virtual reality in practice. Is reality or virtual one that precedes the other? On Wednesday, June 9, Helen Formosa and Jerome of Tulle Media Library attended to lead a workshop entitled “Virtual Reality” at the Maison des services, organized by the Media Libraries Network at Tulle Agglo.

Ten people signed up to try the famous mask that allows you to travel in complete safety. It was everyone’s first time. Baptism is greatly appreciated by brave volunteers.

360 degrees

Concretely, there were many proposals available and you can choose a place to fully immerse yourself in a 360-degree environment for about twenty minutes.

Serge chose to drive the car at high speed on a virtual road. For once, there is no speed limit and a safe ride, sitting in a chair in the service center. However, the effects feel so real that Serge had to stop driving a bit before the finish, a little uncomfortable and feeling a little nauseous. Their brain and inner ear were tricked by virtuality, causing them to believe that this hasty drive was very real.

For her part, Beatrice preferred the depths of the oceans and deep immersion in a safe cage. But what a surprise when a shark appeared to attack the cage! “Sound and light are so realistic, I’m so excited about this little adventure. It’s quite impressive, we think! Your reporter, Sylvie Ledoux, also tested you and took her place aboard Apollo XI, with two older astronauts at her side, and exciting sunrise on the moon.

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comfortable. Tulle Media Library will soon offer free workshops to discover this new escape method for all generations.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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