Until now, free play on the streets was prohibited. (Photo: Pixabay)
Kandyak residents will be able to have fun on many streets of their city from May 2022, according to the latter. The regulation put forward for this purpose in June was formally adopted by the elected officials at the municipal council meeting on July 12.
Free-to-play is allowed on city-cleared streets or districts, May 1 through October 31 every day, from 9 a.m. until 30 minutes after sunset. In the meantime, a pilot project can be set up.
“Several pre-determined criteria regarding private security aspects and inclusion of relevant street residents must be respected, and measures must be taken before this is allowed,” Kandiak explains via a press release.
Therefore, citizens will have to submit an application before December 1, 2021 to the departments responsible for studying the admissibility of the street. However, the list of eligible places is already available on candiac.ca. The form to be filled out as well as details and rules to follow will be available in future communications, the city says.
She adds that free play on the street testifies to its desire to provide high-quality municipal services that meet the needs and expectations of residents.
It concludes, “The aim is to encourage citizens, especially young people, to engage in physical activity while promoting good neighbourliness.”