How can I activate a free mobile plan in less than a minute?

To take advantage of the high-quality business phone and internet offers, it is possible to activate the free mobile Pro plan.

The free operator offers very attractive offers that allow you to communicate freely and at a lower cost. The Free Pro offer, intended for professionals, can be activated in just a few seconds.

Below is a step-by-step process to activate your free mobile Pro plan in less than a minute.

Access to the customer area

the page ” Activate my free mobile plan » It offers all the information you need to provide to activate the Free Mobile Plan Pro. In fact, the first step to be achieved is to go to the client area. To do this, you must enter your username and password.

Choose the Free Pro mobile package to activate it

Once in the customer area, all the user has to do is select the “My Mobile Fleet” tab. The section “My package to activate” allows you to find all the required packages. All you have to do is choose a package from the list that appears and click the Activate button.

If the user has not activated any plan yet, he must click on the “Request a plan” button. It will be written on the Free Pro website where he can select the package of his choice.

Free Mobile Plan Pro 5G

For €19.99 per month, the free Pro 5G mobile plan offers, without obligation, many benefits. Allows access to 150 GB of data in mainland France.

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It also allows you to make unlimited calls to landlines and mobiles in France, the United States, Canada, China and foreign administrations as well as to landlines in 100 other destinations.

Abroad, Free Pro 5G provides 25GB of data from more than 70 destinations. It allows you to send unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from Europe and overseas administrations to landlines and mobiles in mainland France, overseas administrations and Europe.

It should be noted that this package also gives the right to assistance intended for professionals. Customer service is available 7 days a week, outside of public holidays, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. It also allows for online applications to be submitted, with a response in less than 8 hours.

Insert extra lines

The 5G plan provides the ability to include additional lines in one subscription. You have to pay €9.99 before tax per line.

explore Here How to choose the right mobile plan without obligation.

Activate a free mobile plan of your choice

Once you choose the plan, it is very easy to activate the Free Pro mobile plan. Activation requires only 3 simple steps.

Enter SIM ID

To activate the Free Pro mobile plan, you must enter the ICCID ID of the SIM card at this level. It is located below the barcode on the back of the SIM card holder. Once you have entered 19 digits of the code, the entry must be validated.

Portability Verification

It is possible to request a free number porting. This allows you to keep your mobile phone number.

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If the user wishes to activate the number portability, all he has to do is select the “Yes” button in response to the question “Do you want to keep your mobile number?”. He must then enter his phone number and RIO number and validate the request.

font selection

The last step is to define the line. To select the font, you must enter the label of your choice. Once the label selection is validated, the package activation is complete. It should be noted that:

  • The line will be available within two hours of activation;
  • Mobile telephony works only with SIM cards provided by Free Pro;
  • With a SIM card from another operator or the one used for 4G backup, the mobile will not work or will end up having problems.

You can learn more about free mobile offers for professionals at This article.

In short, the Free Pro mobile plan activation process is very simple and can be done in a minute.

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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