Ludovic Friat (USM): “Which company, in 2022, will leave an employee without a computer? – justice has its shortcomings

What is the digital inventory of French justice?

We’re in a situation that doesn’t match the reality of 2022. Instead of building a global system, using apps that work together, we’ve built criminal and civil apps in “silos,” some of which have separate versions. The web can be consulted remotely, others cannot. Some work with word processing software like WordPerfect 7, which dates back to 2006, or Open Office, which is free. The truth is that these are much less tools than those of private companies.

Do you have an example of apps not communicating with each other?

A very simple example: In Bobigny, we sometimes have people, especially unaccompanied minors, who refuse to be fingerprinted. It is carried out for the second time in the framework of pretrial detention. This prison fingerprint card we can’t exchange for police cards! You must issue a rogatory so that the police can return him. It is everywhere!

Currently, the ministry says that each judge is now equipped with a laptop …

This is true to some extent. The difficulty is that not all of them are new. I had a problem with the screen six months ago. It is still not fixed. Take, for example, Bobigny Court, where there are 600 civil servants, including 220 judges between the prosecution and headquarters. You have two computer technicians to manage the park. When you have a problem, wait your turn. What company, in 2022, would allow an employee to work without a computer? This is every day. The problem is that, more than that, more than that… After a while, you get the impression of the torture produced by the Chinese water drop.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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