In the face of student fragility, the Boulanger and UPVD institutions met on Monday morning at Via Domitia University in Pipernan, to provide 30 students with a new computer.
“We struggle with and for young people against all forms of separation and isolation that can prevent them from succeeding and achieving great things,” Laurent Nou confirms, Boulanger Foundation representative. Today, nearly 20,000 students find themselves without computers in front of them. Faced with this situation, the Boulanger Foundation launched Operation #1student1ordi last June. The purpose is to restore as many computers that are no longer in use as possible. Computers are cleaned, refurbished and redistributed to university institutions for the benefit of their students.mention Roman Manch, manager of the Perpignan store.
With only ten computers recovered between June and September, it was finally decided to support the purchase of thirty computers for redistribution on the grounds of the University of Perpignan via Domitia).
We try to serve everyone
Therefore, 30 students from the various campuses of Perpignan University across Domitia, “according to various criteria,” explains Florence Faber, director of the UPVD Foundation, to receive the computer. Among them are a large number of scholarship holders or foreigners. There are also many early years. Finally, if the criterion of the social environment is still clearly taken into account, then the academic data will not be excluded: “Of course you have to prefer the student who passed the semester.”The exit raises.