Microsoft patents an ideal virtual reality glove for the future

Virtual reality headsets are following each other and getting better, but what about the controllers? Microsoft intends to solve this problem with an invention.

nintendo power glove

It seems clear that virtual reality is partly the future of technology and video games. Sony, Meta, and even Apple are very interested in it. For its part, Microsoft made different choices, on the one hand, by not introducing virtual reality on Xbox, and on the other hand by betting on augmented reality with Hololens. However, the company remains attentive, and continues its research work in the shadows, away from advertising.

This work can be echoed through the publication of patents. It is precisely the patent published in Europe that is of interest to us today for video games and for professional use.

Virtual reality gloves for perfect interaction

The patent was monitored by the site Honestly Apple It follows a publication in Europe at the beginning of April 2022. In this patent, Microsoft engineers describe an accessory that would allow for better interaction in virtual reality. To sum up the project, it is about being able to wear gloves that allow interaction with very physical reactions, and objects.

Xbox: Microsoft patents an ideal virtual reality glove for the future
Patent provided by Microsoft // Source: PatentlyApple

Obviously, these are not simple gloves, but accessories with sensors and actuators to allow the reaction of force against the joints, thus giving the impression that you are holding something.

In the patent description, Microsoft explicitly mentions professional uses, with Hololens, and in video games. So the company is very interested in this powerful use in virtual reality that is the video game. Until now, Xbox has always stayed away from virtual reality, but the group has acquired several studios such as Bethesda that are interested in virtual reality.

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As always, when it comes to patents, keep in mind that we are not talking about a future project here, but rather a research project. This is an area in which Microsoft engineers work. This does not mean that this business will necessarily lead to a marketed product. Many brands are working and giving up projects.

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Frank Mccarthy

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