Following the example of GOG –, the CD project extends the menstrual holiday to the entire company

Following the example of GOG, CD program (I.e. parent company) Introduction will be considered Menstrual leave Pay their employees.

Realizing the impact of menstrual pain on some employees, GOG “Experimental” leave can “break barriers” and “another step towards transforming GOG into a more inclusive workplace,” he said.

Since the initiative was announced in early April, not everyone believes in the authenticity of the announcement, but Axios recently confirmed that the new policy was introduced following personal experiences from the GOG team.

GOG logo

“Menstrual leave Promotes inclusiveness Accepting that there are biological differences in the workplace. We acknowledge that these symptoms are real, by giving extra days off to those suffering from menstrual cramps, ”the company told LinkedIn.

Leave “whenever menstrual pain comes” will be that too Fully paidThe company estimates that employees with painful periods will take an extra day off per quarter.

PC Gamer contacts GOG’s parent company, CD program – It employs more than 1000 people – Ask if other companies in the same corporate network would like to use this policy. According to CD Projekt PR Director Rodek Krabowski, “GOG is spearheading this initiative and we are exploring it further throughout the CD Projekt.”

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Veronica Tucker

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