A “giant” solar flare recorded by Solar Orbiter, the largest known to date

The Solar Orbiter Probe managed to record a stunning solar flare. One of the largest ever observed in our solar system, fortunately it’s heading in the opposite direction from Earth.

The main event was taped on February 15th. according to ESA (European Space Agency) probe Solar orbiting He was able to observe one One of the largest solar eclipses Ever by a satellite. This is the second major solar flare this month. Previousin early February, caused some turmoil in global communications.

What makes the February 15 eruption so amazing? It’s huge in size. The solar discharge spanned over several million kilometres, a distance as incredible as it is abstract to us.

Fortunately, this explosion of matter was not directed toward Earth. Such a discharge of material can be Archaeology dramatic The European Space Agency details: “Cornal mass projectiles that, if directed toward Earth, could wreak havoc on our technology and our daily lives,” even the most pessimistic forecast raises a potential “planetary outage.”

Explosion detected by other satellites

This unloading of material, never seen beforeIt was also observed by satellites that are not dedicated to observing the sun. “The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission, currently in close orbit with Mercury, has detected a massive increase in the readings of electrons, protons and heavy ions using its radiation monitor,” says the European Space Agency.

If Earth is saved by chance this time, solar discharges are nonetheless kept under close scrutiny. ESA, reminiscent of nature”Unpredictable“For the sun and the importance of understanding and to monitor his behaviour.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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