A great challenge for women who want to become a rope artist

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Garnias launches a major challenge to train women in the profession of rope technician. The six finalists will receive fully paid and company internships and coaching.

In France, 8,500 people work as rope access technicians, only about 15 of whom are women, or 2% of the profession. This grand challenge, open to all women eager to train in the profession of rope technician, plans to reward the six contestants who will then receive 3 months of training in the construction and use of ropes trade in addition to one month of training. practice. On this occasion, they will be able to take a final exam to obtain a CQP cordiste (Certificate of Professional Qualification).

At the end of this training, the rope access technicians will have the possibility, if they wish, to be hired on permanent contract by Garnias located in the Ile-de-France region, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, PACA and Switzerland.

All applicants are accepted. Of course they should not become dizzy and be able to work physically because this function requires a lot of effort and is sometimes exercised in difficult conditions. Fin avril, Garnias ouvrira les portes de son center de formation situé aux portes de Paris mais aussi à de nombreux chantiers en Ile-de-France pour sélectionner des femmes à travers des épreuves testant leur capacité physiquesi et mentale’ ain Equipped.

Selection will be made on the basis of 3 criteria: Physical fitness test. Ability to work within a team; Motivation and professional project. During this selection day, several activities will be offered to the candidates, in particular: relay with sporting events, course in altitude, auxiliary suspension and sliding line, activities in immersive virtual reality at the Notre-Dame de Paris site.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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