A laptop for rural municipal users excluded from digital technology

The public authorities at the origin of this material transformation have become aware of the social rift that is gradually taking hold in the territory. This does not necessarily mean the rural sector or the elderly; Young people who are comfortable with smartphone apps may find it difficult to fill out an online form or keep a password.


The elected officials of the Mons bloc became aware of the situation thanks to comments received from Bus France services. This bus, set up by the state and driven by the agents of the agglomeration for a period of eighteen months, makes a stop every two weeks in one of the sixteen rural communes in the territory of the agglomeration. “Users who frequent this bus are those who find it difficult to take steps on the computer. We have peaks, for example, during tax returns, and frequency does not go down, except during school holidays,” explains Philip Sais, Vice President Responsible for Bus France Services. It was he who introduced PC 1, a one-click device to his colleagues at Agglo, on Tuesday 1Verse March voted, in unanimous deliberation.

This operation aims to provide about twenty families in each municipality with laptops. It takes place in three phases: from 7 to 25 March, which is the period for registration of applicants in the town hall of their municipality or in the bus services of France. The number of applications is limited to 30. Between March 28 and April 29, compulsory exams (about ten minutes) will be organized in group halls or on Bus France Services. At the end of this probationary period, a jury of elected officials and professionals will examine the applications and designate the citizens selected for the last stage, prior to handing over the computers. They will be contacted by Bus France Services from May 9th.

The final step consists of a half-day training provided by digital consultants from Mont-de-Marsan Agglo and the Landes County Council. It will allow beneficiaries to learn about digital uses and gain independence. At the end of this compulsory training, computers will be provided to the beneficiaries.

refurbished computers

Thus the conglomerate purchased 320 computers (one euro for ten computers) from the Lands Computing Agency (ALB), headed by District Council member Magali Valliorge. “These are computers that have been refurbished by us and we buy from the department. They have been used for three years by primary school students and for three years in college,” explains Renaud Lagrave, director of Albee.

This mixed union represents 550 local authorities in the district. He was commissioned for a period of three years by the county and administration to promote digital inclusion. It is in particular that operates the state-funded digital advisors, announced by the Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, Cedric O, in February 2021.

Plus de 500 ordinateurs fournis par l’Alpi sont déjà en circulation dans les associations qui œuvrent pour l’insertion: Restos du cœur, Prépasport… « Le point de départ, ce sont toutes les personnes identifiées comme démunies face à la démat » Director. Every two years, for the past six years, Alpi has been buying 2,500 computers, refurbishing them and reselling them for a small amount. The requirement that the donation of computers be accompanied by training. »

Thus, 1 pc, a one-click device is in the testing phase. There is clearly a demand for the municipalities of Mont-de-Marsan and Saint-Pierre-du-Mont, which have Maison France Services. Other Landes conglomerates are also working in this direction so that the digital divide is increasingly being closed.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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