A mobile app for real-time residents notification and alert

“To be as close as possible to its residents”: This is the stated ambition of Sundgau Municipal Community (CCS) , Which has just been equipped with an app called Illiwap. A 100% free mobile app, which allows users to instantly receive community-posted information messages: water cutting, work, change in garbage collection, pool class schedules, etc. The tool has already won over several municipalities, including Ilforth municipality (our April 13th edition).

Free citizen

Once downloaded the app, the user only has to subscribe to the Sundgau Municipalities Community Station and can thus receive notifications to be notified in real time of various CCS news: events of all kinds, meetings, accidents, health information, community council hotlines, water outages or Electricity, gas leakage, safety and prevention information, etc. The app is also intended to be a citizen: it allows its users to be active in their land and themselves alerts the community about topics that fall within its competence, such as water, sanitation or even waste.

To join Illiwap community, nothing is simpler: just download the app to your smartphone, then type “Sundgau community of municipalities” in the search bar or scan the QR code with the app reader. Finally, click “Continue” to receive the latest news from comcom Sundgau.

To receive information according to your interests and place of residence, it is also possible to subscribe to stations linked to CCS and then search for your municipality. For example, find CCS station “Water & Sanitation” and select “group” and choose its municipality. Subscribers will only receive notifications of information. Important detail: The application is not only free and without registration, but also guaranteed without ads, no personal data collection!

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Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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