Between the end of March and mid-April 2021, director Fanny Sidney (revealed to the public through the series ten percent She set up her cameras in Haute-Loire to shoot mobile squadthe web series for
“Haute Loire fueled my inspiration”
Co-produced by La Onda Productions and parent productions, this novel chronicles the adventures of Audrey Langlois (Mary Lelong) and Lily Frederic (Louise Massin), two polar opposite gendarmes, chosen to integrate a pilot project for the National Gendarmerie: a brigade in a mobile home serving the most populous Auvergne isolation.
Ahead of their May 9 release on, the seven twelve-minute episodes will be shown on Monday at Le Puy-en-Velay Cinemas. The web series has, for now, been presented on only three occasions (and only three episodes at a time): at the Luchon TV Festival, in Canneseries, and at the Series Mania Festival in Lille.
The scenes were shot in Allègre, Siaugues-Sainte-Marie, Saint-Julien-des-Chazes, Saint-Geneys-près-Saint-Paulien and Le Puy-en-Velay. The director organized several castings to find extras and even local cast.
Furthermore, it was no coincidence that Fanny Sidney chose Aller Valley to tell this story. Her family acquired a home there in the ’90s and the actress spent many summers there: “Haute-Loire fueled my inspiration,” the actress admitted in our columns.
Mobile Brigade In preview at the Dyke Cinema in Puy-en-Velay, Monday, April 11, 6:30 p.m., in the presence of Fanny Sidney, Mary Lelong and Louise Massen. Free entry subject to availability.