A ‘time crystal’ created with Google’s quantum computer

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Researchers from several major universities have partnered with Google scientists to conduct research on the potential of quantum computers. They succeeded in creating and observing a new phase of matter, colloquially known as the “time crystal”.

Why “crystal”? Because the crystal structure consists of atoms that repeat periodically in space to form a kind of “pattern”. In this phase of matter, over time the structure of the atoms repeats. Above all, what is remarkable is that it repeats itself infinitely, without requiring any energy input: a bit like a clock that keeps running without being turned on. The time crystal theory was developed in 2012 by Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczyk. So this new research seems to confirm that.

Research into the capabilities of quantum computers is well underway. There is even talk of a “quantum race,” as the future of these supercomputers is highly desirable. In France, last January, Emmanuel Macron presented a 1.8 billion euro “quantitative plan” to boost research in this area. If these machines arouse a lot of interest, it is because their principle is to use the properties of quantum physics to perform calculations much faster than today’s computers.

As a reminder, quantum physics is concerned with the behavior of matter and light at the microscopic or atomic level. In fact, by paying attention to matter on such a scale, scientists noticed that it exhibits behaviors quite counterintuitively compared to physics known up to then. Their study allowed the emergence of new physical principles, which are still being explored today.

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A new “infinite” phase of matter

A team of scientists led by researcher Xiao Mei is working to harness the emerging capabilities of quantum computers. Prototypes already exist even if they are not completed. So the researchers were not interested in the end result, the large quantum computer of the future, but in what its current use could actually reveal. They used a quantum computer from Google Sycamore for this.

« In short, we take the devices that are supposed to be quantum computers of the future and think of them as complex quantum systems in their own right. said Matteo Ippolitti, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and co-author of this work. ” Instead of calculus, we use the computer as a new experimental platform to perceive and discover new phases of matter. This is how they succeeded in creating this new phase of matter known as “time crystal” which is in a state of “disequilibrium”.

« Time crystals are a vivid example of a new type of quantum phase of matter out of equilibrium Said Vedika Khemani, assistant professor of physics at Stanford University. ” While much of our understanding of condensed matter physics depends on equilibrium systems, these new quantum devices provide us with a fascinating window into new non-equilibrium systems in N-body physics. ».

Originally, the so-called “N-body problem”, is a part of physics that consists in solving Newton’s equations of motion for a certain number (N) of bodies that interact gravitationally, by taking into account their masses and positions, their velocities … the name has been retained in a context in which it is concerned Scientists have a set of particles associated with any potential. What they created is related to this area.

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Scientists are actually studying “local systems with out-of-equilibrium N bodies”. These are systems in which the particles are “stuck” in their original state. So they can never relax to reach a state of equilibrium. They were interested in what would happen if these systems were periodically stimulated with a laser. In doing so, they observed stable phases of imbalance, but more importantly they found a phase in which particles oscillate between different patterns, repeating indefinitely over time.

Among other characteristics, it is above all the fact that there is no loss of energy in this process that caught their attention. ” There is no energy source, there is no energy leakage, it continues indefinitely and includes many highly reactive particles The crystal thus created was currently incomplete, and therefore the oscillations did not repeat indefinitely. However, the researchers were able to use a quantum computer to determine their limits and validate the theory of time crystals as a new phase of matter by different protocols.

Source : temper nature

Frank Mccarthy

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