Activision-Blizzard announced that Warcraft is coming to mobile this year

The Warcraft franchise has finally made its way to mobile after nearly 28 years. Activision-Blizzard has announced that Warcraft will come to mobile for the first time this year. The studio has not released more details about this next match.

Warcraft is one of Blizzard Entertainment’s biggest franchises. It started in 1994 with the release of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, a Real time strategy game on the computer. In addition to various strategy games, Blizzard has subsequently expanded world of cans To other genres, especially the MMORPG with the very popular World of Warcraft. The last Shadowlands expansion has also been available since the end of 2020.

world of cans
World of Warcraft – Crédit: Blizzard Entertainment

On the occasion of the announcement of its financial results, it announced that Activision-Blizzard is being acquired by Microsoft for $68.7 billion. The Warcraft franchise arrives on mobile. Activision has confirmed that Blizzard developers have planned Substantial new content for Warcraft in 2022 Thus, a new game will land in the Warcraft universe on mobile this year.

The new Warcraft mobile game is not affiliated with World of Warcraft or Hearthstone

will save the studio All-new mobile Warcraft content is in the hands of first-time players Activision-Blizzard insisted. The next game is separate from World of Warcraft and Hearthstone. Both games will also feature the phrase ” new experiences This year, according to the studio. Hearthstone is an online collectible card game set in the world of Warcraft that is also available on Android and iOS.

It’s not the first time this has happenedThe Blizzard franchise is coming to mobile. Players are also waiting for the release of Diablo Immortal which was first announced in 2018. The game is currently in alpha, but it is expected to be released this year. Diablo Immortal will be faithful to the atmosphere and franchise gameplay with single player mode and multiplayer mode.

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Finally, the community is clearly hoping that Warcraft on mobile will be of higher quality than le remaster Warcraft 3: Reforged Sorti in 2020. This was so disastrous that Blizzard had to offer players unconditional refunds. Either way, we should soon hear more about the new Warcraft when it comes out this year. Blizzard is also working on A brand new survival game in a new world Which was announced just a few days ago.

source : Eurogamer

Brooke Vargas

"Devoted gamer. Webaholic. Infuriatingly humble social media trailblazer. Lifelong internet expert."

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