After Ariège, Tarn also occupied her monopoly!

Tarn is better than ever! The department now has its own edition of Monopoly. Like Aveyron, Loser, Herault and Ariege, elsewhere in the Occitanie, the symbolic locations of the Tarn are now brought together in a special edition of the famous board game.

In forty huts the tarn is crossed up and down. The four stations have been replaced by Saveurs du Tarn : Biscuits from Tarn, salted meats from Lacaune, vineyard Gaillac and pink garlic from Lautrec. There is also Albee, Castres, Carmo, Rabastens, Lavaur, and a reference to the Olympic Castres.

And like other regional releases launched in recent years, Tarn’s edition is already shaping up to be a true hit. It was created by BM Services, a communications agency from Lozère that had already launched Monopoly Lozère, Cantal et Ariège.

5000 copies, and indeed there is a huge demand

The ARIEGE version, which was launched at Christmas 2019, has worked well, explains Enimie Giscard, Project Manager at BM Services: “We were left with 2000 BC boxes, which fell out of stock three weeks after launchFor the Tarn, the trend seems the same. It was a game Produced in 5000 copiesHalf of it is pre-ordered.

It took nearly two years of work to finish Tarn’s monopoly, with the support of the Provincial Tourism Commission, for which the game became a promotional tool.

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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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