Aliens: Fireteam, 25 minutes co-play

Earlier in the week, Cold Iron Studios reveal Aliens: Fireteam, a cooperative third-person shooter And who will ask to face the hordes Xénomorphes slobbery. The title already reminds us left 4 Dead, And the IGN Share 25 minutes of Play, To discover the video here:

During those long minutes, we find Craig Zinkievich and Matt Highison from Cold Iron Studios With Ryan McCaffrey, journalist atIGN, Who is happy to shoot dozens of foreigners rushing towards them. Discovery opportunity Interface, and PlaySome classes that will be playable and even a war version of Xenomorphe, A standing monster, much stronger than small crawling creatures. The above sequence occurs inUSS Endeavor, In orbit Katanga, While he was a team Colonial Marines Come to the rescue After receiving a distress signal. Fans will also learn about armor and weapons straight from the franchise, especially from theAliensEven if the title happened after 23 years Alien 3And away from LV-426.

Reminder, Aliens: Team Fireteam is expected to be out sometime in summer 2021 On PC, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S. You can find the quartet of movies at 24.99 euros in Amazon With Steelbook.

Vignette EditorAmory M / Clint 008
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