Alpes de Hauts Provence. Mobile chicken coop at Morris Farm

GAEC des Moures
150 chickens fit into this GAEC des Mourres . mobile chicken coop (© GAEC des Moures)

as you approach Easter, highlighting the establishment of two local poultry farmers. at GAEC des Mouresat Forcalquier, made by Claire Fassino and Damien Joubert Two mobile chicken cages. Currently there are 300 chickens out of 750 chickens.

The chicken that changes the air and the grass…

“When I was in agricultural engineering college, A speaker from the tents have built cabins moved Every 4 months. Thus he welcomed his flock of chicks to clean land,” explains the poultry farmer.

She says the benefits are many. Convinced that this is the future of poultry farming. By moving this chicken coop once a month at most, the hens change of grass. She is more Fresh And he has time to grow. The floor he is less packed and the rubbish chicken allowed fertilization. Rodents and other pests also do not have time to settle there.

GAEC des Moures
By moving this chicken coop at most once a month, the chickens change the grass (© GAEC des Mourres)

Almost an expert Forcalquiérens

The couple wasn’t on their first try. They already built in 2017 Two mobile chicken cages, but less practical. The first lacks a prop to be transported safely and the second cannot be transported with the chicken inside.

at 2020, Based on the strength of their experience and a more suitable experimental movement, they repeats. This time, they banned chicken at 150 places. The Transformation is facilitated cleaning And also: chicken droppings if they sleep passes through the fence. These flat surfaces can be cleaned with a mop. The floors are 90 cm off the ground and there is no opposite wall to avoid lice nests.

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The GAEC Des Maurice also has about ten cows Beef and veal. Claire and her husband make too oil With 230 olive trees, but also jams Figs and blackberries have been on this family farm for five generations.

You can visit their farm as part of From farm to farm, a national event where many farms in France open their doors. Six farms can be seen in the area.

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