A lot of changes are being made together at the moment. With upcoming Windows 11 Android apps, Microsoft will have a Windows subsystem for Android and a Windows subsystem for Linux can perform. These Android apps will be available through the Microsoft Store, but the actual download process will take place through the Amazon Appstore. But there is also a big change pending for the Android apps themselves: Google confirmed the end of JuneApplication developers will be required to use the new standard Android Application Package (AAB) instead of the Android Application Package (APK). According to Google, this policy applies to new apps on the Play Store and developers will need to abandon the existing APK file format for new apps.
TikTok: An Android app loaded with …
… and use it under Windows 11
Windows 11 integrates the Amazon App Store
For ease of using Android apps with Windows 11, the Amazon Appstore is integrated into the Microsoft Store to offer a wide range of Android apps. Now it’s clear: Amazon is preparing for the new Google format, and Microsoft should have already included support.
in one of Amazon-Blogs A short FAQ has now been posted that explains more about changing from APK to AAB. It also states that Amazon Appstore promises to offer Android AAB support in time before Windows 11 is released.
“Amazon Appstore is actively working to support the new format, which offers benefits such as smaller downloads for customers and on-demand downloads of features and assets,” the company said. However, Amazon will not initially offer any mandatory transfer to the new format. Technically, Android APKs will not be discontinued either, as Android will continue to support the current format. So there is probably a little pressure to make the changes.
Infographic Windows 11 Infographic: Top New Features