An augmented assistant and healer, his courage starts to show

According to 9to5Google’s findings, Google’s first connected watch could carry a new generation of assistant and Exynos processor. Although tweezers should be taken at this point in the project.

La Google Pixel watch

La Google Pixel Watch // Source: John Prosser et Rendersbyian

rumors about a continuous watch Google spreads on the Internet. Except that so far, there was nothing tangible to eat. Until the end of 2021 when the file is brought back to the table in a more concrete way than usual.

between launch Planned for next year, From Interior photos for her design and theAesthetic inspiration for Minah, new information about her – although welcomed with caution – has gained momentum over the past few weeks. This time around 9to5Google To bring his stone into the building along with some precious finds.

A more efficient assistant?

The media actually went to look at the recent update of the Google app, where the “PIXEL_EXPERIENCE_WATCH” flag was discovered. This type of tag is generally related to one or more features that are exclusive to Pixel devices, as it reminds us 9to5Google.

La Google Pixel watch

La Google Pixel Watch // Source: John Prosser et Rendersbyian

Moreover, the the creator American has found evidence that the Pixel Watch will take the next generation of assistant on board, which processes your requests directly from the device in question and not via the group’s servers. Results: everything is done faster than usual.

This also means that the Google smartwatch can perform additional tasks or include features not available on other WearOS watches with the old version of the Assistant. 9to5Google Hope, for example, that voice recognition will be greatly improved in Wear OS.

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Towards an Exynos processor?

Finally, the search also linked the product code name, Rohan, to having a Samsung Exynos processor, not Qualcomm. Is it really cool? Not really, because the Korean giant has cooperated a lot with its American counterpart to develop Wear OS 3.

Here we imagine that both parties have improved everything while working together on hardware and the software. However, the Pixel Watch should continue to pour ink over the next few months, until Google decides to officially introduce it.

Garmin is said to be planning to introduce a large number of smartwatch models at CES 2022. The most anticipated model is the contextless Garmin Epix Gen 2.
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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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