Apparently leaked the release date of the heir

Psychonauts 2: apparently leaked back release date

After the promising work platform “Psychonauts 2” has been delayed several times in the past, developers Double Fine Productions indicated a few months ago that the successor is now in the final development stage.

Furthermore, it was recently confirmed that “Psychonauts 2” will definitely be released this year. Unfortunately, no specific release date has been announced. This could have been provided to us shortly before the launch of this year’s E3 Valves digital gaming and sales platform.

Will it be released in the summer?

As one user discovered, “Psychonauts 2” appears in the “Coming Soon Games” menu. Since the successor is on the above list between two games that will be released on August 25, 2021, it is expected that the new work from Double Fine Productions will also be released on the same day. Of course, the whole thing has not been officially confirmed.

about this subject: Psychonauts 2: Explore the world of the mind in the new gameplay video

Even if Microsoft and officials at Double Fine Productions remain silent about rumors about a supposed release date for “Psychonauts 2,” this may soon be revealed. Rumors persist that “Psychonauts 2” will be one of the titles Microsoft will present at E3 2021 digital. The selected stage can be used to reveal the release date.

E3 2021 will be held from June 12-15, 2021.

More messages about Psychology Pioneers 2.

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Stan Shaw

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