Apple will allow customers to repair their iPhone or Mac by themselves

It’s a massive transformation. Until then, Apple is vehemently opposed to the possibility of its devices being repaired by anyone, Apple will finally offer repair kits to consumers. These kits will be available to launch iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, then for the Mac M1, Apple announced in a while Press release. US customers will be the first to be served early next year before other countries join them during 2022.

Apple picture

The first phase of a self-service repair program is about the most common components that are repaired, which is the iPhone screen, battery, or camera. Other spare parts will be offered later. “Providing better access to genuine Apple parts means giving our customers more options when repair is necessary”, says COO Jeff Williams.

To safely fix it, the customer must first read the manual, says Apple (will there be a small test after that to verify that the reading has been made?). Then, he can order the parts and tools he needs from the Apple Self Service Repair Online Store. This new specialty store will feature over 200 parts and tools. Once the repair is complete, the customer will be able to return the used parts for recycling and will receive a purchase credit.

Apple is now warning that its self-service fix is ​​for Technicians with the skills and experience to repair electronic devices. For the vast majority of customers, the manufacturer still recommends contacting a professional to avoid accidents, the red rag board so far to indicate its opposition to customer-made repairs.

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Apple has a long tradition in this field. Apart from Apple Stores, the manufacturer is designed to provide parts and documentation only to authorized repairers for a long time. This policy is supported by Various measures Interfering with some repairs that are made outside its network. was the last one Deactivate Face ID After the iPhone 13 screen has been changed, a limitation that Apple has finally come back to.

During all these years, Apple has also Opposition to the US “Right to Compensation” project. Which aims to democratize repairs by improving access to spare parts and documentation. The question is with the device [l’iPhone, ndr] Which is getting more and more complicated, what is best for the consumer? Third party repairs, unauthorized repairs, that’s just what it means. We want to make sure that repairs are done correctly.”And Presumably in 2017 Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environmental initiatives, to explain her opposition to the project.

The manufacturer started to unscrew the screw just a few years ago by installation Program allows independent repairers Obtain certified parts, diagnostic tools and documentation for smooth repair of their products. The wind is sure to turn in the United States, as the Biden administration is determined to do so Promote the right to reparation, and in Europe, where The same right makes its way tooUltimately, Apple is ahead of the laws.

Based on additional information from Apple to NomiramaParts, tools and manuals will be available for the duration of the marketing of the products in question, or even longer depending on the status of the stock. Enough to significantly improve the repairability index Too average now.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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