Applications that help you make plants live in the apartment

For at least ten years, long before the pandemic, it made billions of people around the world rediscover that there were so many interesting things to do at home, a (sometimes fashionable) craze.indoor gardening. This is it Growing plants at home. Especially tropical and subtropical plants, which are well suited for growing indoors.

But it takes a lot of experience, and unfortunately, before you can boast of being an experienced grower, you usually need to uproot a lot of plants. The saying goes that you can call yourself a farmer when you kill a hundred, while to boast the title of an expert farmer, you have to dry at least a thousand. In fact, it is no longer necessary to plant all these green corpses, because today’s technology helps a lot Plants grow in the apartment.

with the ApplicationAbove all: they exist App to identify plants It also gives us accurate advice on how to manage it on a daily basis. Born as experiences of enthusiastic garden developers, these smartphone apps today are made more and more thanks to a good dose of Artificial intelligence.

Here are some of how to use it and some additional tips that will allow you to become an indoor grower even if you don’t have a green thumb.

App to identify plants

The first problem for those who approach the world of gardening, at home or abroad, is that in the world there is nothing less than 400,000 different plant speciesEach has special needs in terms of lighting, heat, irrigation and fertilization.

Therefore, a beginner in gardening needs, first of all, to know what plants he grows: we often buy a plant for its aesthetic appearance, and then see it slowly dying at home because species that are not quite compatible with our house were the chosen one.

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NS App to identify plantsFortunately, there are many. Unfortunately, the people who work better get paid.

This photo app

The most famous imagine this, what does it cost 19.99 euros per year, about €1.66 per month, or a cup and a half of coffee, with a 7-day free trial.

Is it worth spending it? If we often need to identify a plant, the answer is yes: the picture shows one high success rate In getting to know the plant species and it can be really helpful.

But the definition is only one of the functions of Picture This, which can also provide us with many functions Information on how to grow each plant, about the most common growing problems, can put a reminder of watering and fertilizing. But that’s not all: Photo This can also identify weeds, me ParasitesThey are the birds that frequent the garden and tell us if there is a plant Toxic to pets.

This image is available for Android NS iOS.

Factory Application

Another plant recognition app, and more, is factory: It works similar to Picture This but in the free version it doesn’t have a type recognition function. Another thing that is only available by paying for the premium version is the exposure meter, which is actually a file Quantum scale: The screen of the mobile phone is directed towards the light that falls on the plant and the application, reading the camera sensors, tells us how much light it is emitting.

Planta’s big limitation, at the moment, is that there are still no plants in its archives garden, but only “indoors” (which is a definition that, after killing enough plants, you’ll stop using it). The premium version of Planta is much more expensive than the Picture This version: €3.17 per month, i.e. €37.99 per year.

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Planta is available for Android NS iOS

flower app

The third application to identify plants is blossom, also in a limited or premium subscription version (19.99 euros per year). Unfortunately, we noticed that the ability to guess the types of plants depicted is present Much less on Blossom, comparing for example to Picture This (the most accurate of those we’ve tried).

For the rest, there is no shortage of options to create a watering reminder, the Information about the needs of the factory (again: very basic) and other secondary functions already seen in other apps.

Blossom is available for Android NS iOS.

Finally, a Warning Which applies to all apps, even the best of them. After selecting your plants or entering them manually in these apps, you will definitely see very general care indications, which should be placed in the context of your growing environment. Be carefulFor example, it gives information such as “Water twice a week” or “Light: full sun”.

This is information that can only work in certain growing conditions: the “full sun” of ragosa, even behind a window or even a curtain, is not at all like the “full sun” of breccia. Thus, watering depends largely on the temperature in the house and on the light that the plant receives: the more light it receives, the more it “works” and the more water it drinks.

Bonus: FREE Technique for Growing Plants Indoors

Facebook Group Selection Factories

As it will now become clear to everyone, apps for growing plants better at home can be very useful if they are used in the right way and, above all, if they are in the premium paid version: all the most interesting functions, in a special selection. you pay.

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We would like to suggest you an excellent one Completely free alternative, which has the only limit to not responding instantly to such apps: it’s a Facebook group”plant identificationand associated groupIdentification of plant diseases and parasites“These two groups are excellent examples of collective intelligence available to all, Free, thanks for the social network.

Simply subscribe to the two groups (they are private) and post a picture of the plant or parasite to get a more accurate answer than that provided by the apps. It won’t take a few seconds to get it, sure, but often It will only take a few minutes.

Coming back to the apps, but the 100% free apps, we also invite you to download one of the many apps luxometro . application: These are applications that use a smartphone camera to calculate how much light is in a room (the result is expressed in Lux or Lumen) and allow us to instantly understand whether this amount is enough. There are many in both the Play Store and the App Store.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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