At the age of 33, WaDri launched Ephios, a tactical and scalable card game

With these words the young author introduces Cyril Palmski “to” Establishing. “ Ephios is a fast and progressive card game, to gain enough popularity and lead its political rise until it is elected as the supreme ruler of the island and the city and state of Ephios, an urban and technological group that has been immersed in controversy since the abdication of its supreme ruler. To do this, you will have to skillfully use your communications and unite the alliances that guide the city’s opinion. “ Just like in real life! The launch of this game, until April 2, is based on the Ulule crowdfunding platform (1).

Who is Cyril Palmski? Reached the age of thirteen from the Paris region with his family in the early 2000s, he quickly made a name for himself here in Nmes: All Feria, first outburst like ‘ Catcher “, During the abrivado, rue de la République. The one whose challenges to face weren’t really scary was already starting to emerge. Cyril Palmski or WaDri, whose surname and name is Artist, looks back to the beginning of his younger years: “In 1992, when I was five years old, I did not play it but I liked to watch my parents, uncles and grandparents all evening in tarot games.” He continues: “When I was nine years old, I discovered Cluedo junior” but who kidnapped Gribouille? “, It was the beginning of my love for investigative and puzzle games. At 10 years old, Final Fantasy VII was my first fun smack. … crazy gameplay! It inspires me today. In 1998, Power gave me a taste of strategy and brought me into a fun new dimension.”

Available at Ulule

All this enriches his unceasingly surplus imagination. It gives him a passion for play and creativity. In Nmes, he frequents Peter Pan’s library, La Vouivre games room, and hosts parties. In 2010, Antoine Boza signed the game Seven wonders of the world Who played the most, he clicked. “ It’s great to be a game writer! I can play games too … ” Finally in Strasbourg, where it is now installed, this N adoptedmes made the decisive meeting around Persistence By Luc and Maria at Disto studio. “They helped me and allowed me to create my first game. “

2021. He is 33 years old. The beginning of an adventure for Cyril Palmowski who signs his own creation. The launch of the .. the start of the .. the take off of theAvios, federation of alliances It has been in operation since early March. Willpower and determination in everything he does are his hallmarks.

(1) Ephios, created by WaDri, drawn by Quentin Hell, published by Disto studio (2 to 4 players, ages 12). Website : Facebook – Instagram – YouTube – Twitch. Contact by email at, or by phone at 06 28 49 61 69. Available on Ulule until April 2:

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Tess Larson

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