Butt Spencer with Giuliano Gemma on “Angels Eat Beans”

The play was actually marked Double Spencer / Hill, But, as Porbens said, there is a misunderstanding between the producer and agents of these actors or whether it is true Mario Grotti (Terence Hill) Should go to America, they choose a sub-fall Butt Spencer at Giuliano Gemma, “Who did the best”, is more famous for starring in Western and action films than comedy.

Gemma, who has always done all she can to follow Borboni Hill, apparently created a character with tough air and easy humor to temporarily tense us Butt Spencer Thus create a comic effect.

The story takes place in New York in the 1930s. Charlie (Butt Spencer) A champion wrestler, Sony (Giuliano Gemma) is a former ice cream vendor who works as a gym cleaner. Sony, who was shot here too, notices himself calling himself the “Mystery Man” in the ring. The two decide to play gorillas for the local underworld boss nicknamed “Smile”. The boss mistakenly thought a couple dangerous killers. Their only problem is that they have a very soft heart and instead of threatening little Italian shoppers they help them get out of their pocket.

Eventually, Charlie will return as a wrestler, and Sony will leave the job and be second to him.

The film’s good reception at the box office prompted Barboni to create a sequel in 1974 called “Even the Angels Pull Right”, but it was not as successful.

Filming for “Angels Eat Beans” took place in the United States and at Cincinnati Studios. The music for the film is by Oliver Onion, a Roman band.

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Veronica Tucker

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