CCleaner is available in version 6.0

CCleane announces the release of version 6.0 of the PC tool for consumers. CCleaner 6.0 includes new or improved features to improve computer performance and reliability.

Ccleaner 6.0 Professional comes with patented Performance Enhancer technology that prevents unused programs from draining your computer’s resources. It is enough to revitalize old hardware or allow modern computers to provide stable performance, no matter how many programs are installed in memory.

New patented CCleaner feature detects resource-collecting apps and puts them to sleep

Computers use applications to launch processes and services in the background, invisibly when they are not in use, hampering their performance. Performance Optimizer puts these applications to sleep to reallocate resources to process the running task.

In tests conducted on computers dating back to 2015, the performance optimizer noticed a 34% increase in productivity. Newer devices like the high-end laptop from 2021 have also taken advantage of this feature, with a 30% increase in battery life. Booting up is also significantly accelerated in both cases: 72% faster for the 2015 desktop and 40% faster for the 2021 laptop, reducing time spent waiting and frustrations during startup machines.

Software update: support 50 new software

The Software Updater tool in CCleaner Professional ensures that users always have the latest version of the software they are using, and that updates and patches are applied as soon as they are available to eliminate bugs and security vulnerabilities. The updated version of Software Updater now supports 50 additional applications including KMplayer, WinZip, Box Drive, Foxit Reader, Adobe Reader and Nitro Pro. It will soon be compatible with 200 additional apps, thanks to updates over the next few months.

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Update for free users

CCleaner 6.0 Free includes more powerful cleaning solutions for Windows, Google software, Apple software and the Steam gaming platform, allowing the user to free up space and help make PCs run smoother.

Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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