Clermont touches on video games with CatOnTree, a Clermont-Ferrand-based development studio

In the industrial area of ​​La Pardieu in Clermont-Ferrand, in the heart of an alley where different buildings follow one another, is a video game development studio.

Experience a video game tournament for you in Clermont-Ferrand

CatOnTree, from its small name, was established in the heart of the business incubator in Clermont during 2021.

A hobby turned into a full-time job

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The adventure began a long time ago for its founder, Benjamin Petlett. In his spare time since 2019, he has been thinking about drafting a video game on boats. And takes the plunge in August 2020:

“I created CatOnTree – referring to the cat in Alice in Wonderland and the French music group – in parallel with my job. I was a director at a company and took advantage of the iteration plan in February 2021 to become an entrepreneur.”

Benjamin Petlett (Founder of CatOnTree)

During the year, Benjamin Pettilet developed his project thanks to the support, among other things, of business incubators in Lyon (because “Everything related to video games can be found in Lyon”) and Damier in Clermont-Ferrand. He gets subsidies from the area.

Lucas Dubois, 3D animator, Manon Chevalier, Artistic Director, and Benjamin Pettilet, founder of CatOnTree are working on a new video game project along with the launch of Riding Seas. ?

100% Claremont Regatta Game

This great saga is bearing fruit. He is now accompanied by three employees and two self-employed workers who reside in the four corners of France. On January 31, the studio team released their first game, Riding the seas

on Steam, the online PC gaming platform.

“It is a boat racing game, based on experience, which can remember the famous Mario Kart. It can be played by multiple people on the same computer using consoles or on the keyboard » Benjamin Petlett

(Founder of CatOnTree)

Bright colors and pop culture references (Titanic, Zelda, The Beatles’ yellow boat, Nautilus, etc.) are prevalent in the game at €12.99 and “on sale for the first few weeks”.

Objective: To develop video game activity in Auvergne

The studio wants to introduce itself and show itself to publishers “Why not make a console and a portable version”. All the boats in the video game are designed by Manon Chevallier, CatOnTree Artistic Director
Riding the seas.

“The goal is also to create a video game ecosystem in the region,” adds Benjamin Pitelet. excellent

In Creuse, video games entice teens, adults, and retirees

So other tasks await the CatOnTree team, which is already in an upcoming video game. Shhh, it’s so secretive.

Riding the seas. Translation. Sailing / driving the seas.
Photos: Thierry Nicholas

Text: Lucy Diat [email protected]

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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