Dead Space Remake has been expanded to include areas that weren’t originally possible

For a remake of dead space The EA uses all possibilities and does not just suggest better graphics and the like. Original concepts will also find their way into the game, including new areas.

Here’s what creative director Roman Campos Oriola suggests Interview with IGN According to there are some technical limitations at that time which cannot be implemented. This will be taken up again for reproduction and you will be able to explore areas that were omitted from the final version at that time. The passages in the first sections are given as an example:

“We started with the original level design for the original Dead Space,” says Campos-Oriola. “The funny thing is that you can see some of the iterations the team did before they shipped it. In the first chapter you can see some of the lanes they wanted to do a certain way at first, and then you can understand why they “changed for technical reasons.”

Other innovations are also likely to affect the dismemberment mechanics, which one might also want to take to the next level. However, no further details were given.

But they have already revealed that some mechanics are turned off dead space 2 He will take on the task, such as narrative focal points and zero gravity, which must be purposefully incorporated into the story. it was said about her a few days ago Previously:

Then there are some improvements that we would like to make to this story. And not necessarily improvements because those things didn’t really work originally, but more improvements based on what came next and where we were like, “Man, this is interesting if we can go back to it or make a connection”

In addition, it was confirmed that Remake of Dead Space It is not subject to recycling, but all assets are created from scratch for recycling fairness.

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then Remake of Dead Space It seems unclear at the moment. However, this is not expected before 2022.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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