Demolition brings game to a standstill: Football stops before it continues as massive UK power plants collapse in the background (video)

The Rugeley Power Station towers, which were made of reinforced concrete and once ran to cool up to six million gallons of water an hour, were demolished in seconds in the Midlands town where they draw their strength. The area is forever in a historic deconstruction that crowds gathered to see.

As the symbols of industrial Britain smashed 380 feet to the ground, the local footballers were unfazed as they continued their game despite a massive explosion emanating from the distance behind them, as the spectacle of the towers suddenly collapsed there was a dramatic view of the horizon.

Clouds of dust filled the sky and some of the players involved appeared to be briefly distracted after a corner kick, but the remarkable event seemed to go unnoticed in the diagram of the conflict between two teams identified by a photographer like Brereton Lion. FC and Dormans FC, from Stafford and District Sunday Football League.

The continuation of the match contrasted with some local areas, including a road where a demolition exclusion zone was set up for nearly 10 hours, and was monitored by police.

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More than 10,000 people are said to have listened to a live broadcast of the demolition in the late morning, the ninth to be staged at the site.

While some social media viewers took the opportunity to taunt Premier League stars like Jack Grealish by comparing them to potentially crumbling structures, others were amazed at the scene of an earthquake in history as footballers continued to focus solely on their sporting goals. .

“Probably the best audience they’ve ever seen there”, ary United Nations. “And they weren’t even in the match.”

Parkland, a school, thousands of homes for families and “Workspace” On the vast land left by the constellations.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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