Since last night, Orange customers have had difficulties connecting to Apple services: the App Store, Apple TV +, Apple Music… The services are taking a long time to load, or not even downloading at all. These issues occur on both the mobile network and the operator’s fixed network. We saw them ourselves at Sosh (mobile and fiber).
While waiting for a resolution from Orange, using a VPN or changing the DNS settings (the system that performs the correspondence between domain names and IP addresses) for your device will allow you to regain access to these services. You can install free apps next one or CloudFlare To easily change the DNS server on your Mac as well as on your iPhone.
If you prefer to change DNS without installing an additional app, go to macOS at System Preferences > network > advanced > DNS and enter 2a07:a8c0::ef:dcd8
And the 2a07:a8c1::ef:dcd8
for NextDNS. On iOS, go to Settings > Wi-Fi > button in front of your network name > DNS Configuration > Manuel and enter 2a07:a8c0::ef:dcd8
And the 2a07:a8c1::ef:dcd8
This is not the first time this kind of problem has occurred in Orange. Similar technical concern a priori Happened in 2017. The solution was actually to change its DNS.
Update at 1:19pm: The issue has now been resolved for at least some customers. Like other users, we can access Apple services again without changing the DNS. If you have changed your DNS settings, you can restore the default settings.