Digital Foundry Analyzes Metroid Dread – ntower . technology

Since October 8 with Metroid dread The latest installment in the series about bounty hunter Samus Aran available for the Nintendo Switch. in a our test We’ve honored the series’ fantastic comeback with the highest rating. In addition to the fun qualities, we were particularly impressed with the game technology in the test. Metroid Dread not only scores with a detailed world, but also with great animations and great performance.

colleagues from
digital foundry, who specializes in technical analysis of video games, has now provided a detailed review of the new Samus Aran adventure. Colleagues are also very excited about the title technology. Metroid Dread works in TV mode with a resolution of 1600 x 900 with a constant refresh rate of 60 frames per second. According to the Digital Foundry, the technical parameters of the Nintendo Switch game are quite impressive.

Fellows were also impressed by the game’s environmental effects. In particular, the water animation and detailed areas of the game are praised. Performance in portable mode should be equal to performance in TV mode. Below you will find the complete analysis for yourself.

How would you rate the Metroid Dread technology?

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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