Donneville: a minibus to discover personal service professions in virtual reality

Experience the aging simulation!
Experience the aging simulation! (© MFR de Donneville)

Saturday 12 March 2022, Family Country Home (MFR) in Donville Open house hold. On this occasion, Friday 11 and Saturday 12 March 2022, Unmatched machine Came to meet visitors. It’s about a small bus From the regional association of MFRs in Occitanie. With virtual reality headphonesIt is proposed to find out personal service professions. Objective: To re-evaluate a professional sector that has developed a lot in recent years.

“Companies are in high demand, and unfortunately, these occupations were not brought into the spotlight and were not attractive until 2019 when a collective agreement improved payrolls and working conditions,” it explains. Mireille Martelliresponsible for the development of training and communication at MFR in Dunville.

VR to discover personalized service

At the steering wheel of the MFR minibus, the host Morgan St Martin He travels in the region to give a better picture of these professions. to do this, The car has virtual reality headphones (or VR for virtual reality). “Each participant will immerse themselves in a day of personal service professions… we walk around the house and interact with the consoles,” explains Mireille Martelli.

A way to learn more about the daily life of a personal service specialist and the training offered, especially at home Donneville MFR.

aging simulation

The participants were also able to test aging simulation. Equipped with equipment that allows them to experience the pain of aging, users learn that Be more aware of the difficulties faced by the elderly And again, he promoted careers in the field of personal services. We see how we take care of them, in their daily lives. “It’s more indicative than any speech,” says Mireille Martelly.

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in Donville, About ten people tested the minibus VR glassesincluding job seekers who come Fridays as part of a partnership with Sikoval’s Espace emploi formation.

The minibus will be back

The Regional Federation of MFR Working in coordination with several partners (Pôle emploi, local Misson, Local Employment Integration Scheme, etc.), We must check out the minibus that goes through Lauragais. For example, you should stop at the festival “Senior Then?” organized by Sikoval in May.

Videos: Currently in Actu

In addition, MFR from Dunville You should also get VR headsets. Doors will open again on the program on April 23 and The minibus will be back!

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Frank Mccarthy

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