Equip a detector, then disable a strange billboard in a single match in Fortnite Season 7 Challenge – Breakflip

A long challenge awaits you in Fortnite this week: you will have to equip yourself with a detector, and then deactivate a strange billboard in one match!

Aliens are the heart of this seventh season of It is an electronic gameAnd challenges in their image, too! As in every season, missions are released every week, allowing you to earn XP. Sometimes these things can get complicated, which is why we help you do them!

One of them asks about Equip a detector, then deactivate the alien display board in one match. You are given the location of the detector and the peculiar display panel.

How to equip and deactivate alien bulletin board detector in Fortnite?

To succeed in this challenge, you will have to proceed in stages, simply by following the list below, which explains these different steps:

  • meet at Misty Meadows
  • Prepare yourself for the detector By interacting with. It’s at the location of the first screenshot
  • Head to one of the bulletin boards, whose location you will find in the last screenshots
  • Disable one of these panels By interacting with! You must always be equipped with the detector

Once done, the task will then be validated! Find below the different locations required to complete the task.

The detector in Misty Meadows

Detector site challenge

The location of the detector that must be equipped for the task

Strange billboards in Misty Meadows

Fortnite-placard-alien-Billboard-1The location of one of the strange billboards in Fortnite

Fortnite-placard-alien-Billboard-2The location of one of the strange billboards in Fortnite

You should pass the challenge easily if you follow these steps well!

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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