Fifty years after Rimogne closed its slate quarries in 1971, we’ll soon be able to clear the underground galleries again. At least almost. “On Hundreds of kilometers of galleries inaccessible to the general public. When they exit the museum, visitors to the Maison de l’Ardoise wonder how it is belowRimoni, Mayor of Rimoni, says.
75% of the galleries are filled with water, this is it Belgian cave divers from Cavex Minx Team Who has explored, mapped and photographed underground tunnels. When the government allows museums to reopen, Maison de l’Ardoise will display its pictures.
Virtual visit … possibly before the galleries can be accessed
A movie will be shown in a small screening room and visitors will then be able to wear it Virtual Reality Headset To browse the galleries in turn, in an immersion.
“We’re working with Ardennes Provincial Natural Park, maybe one day, to make these exhibits available. However, this raises many security questions, and we are only in the studies stage.“, Displays the mayor of Rimoni, Yannick Rosato. The Slate House of Raymond Museum receives nearly 2000 visitors per year.