Facebook plans virtual reality for the home office

The future of Facebook lies in virtual reality. This is the vision of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. With Horizon Workrooms, the company wants nothing less than to revolutionize the world of work.

Facebook turns into virtual reality. A few days ago, many users suspected what is happening with Facebook via social media advertisement About the future direction of the company. Is it about time travel? Will we be able to fly or even teleport?

With the technology now being announced, all of these scenarios are theoretically conceivable. However, Facebook initially plans nothing less than to revolutionize the world of work with its Horizon workrooms.

Horizon workrooms: a virtual office?

as part of a interviews Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke with CBS presenter Gayle King about his company’s future plans. Horizon workrooms symbolize the future direction of Facebook, according to Zuckerberg.

With the help of indoor Oculus VR glasses, employees in the home office should be able to meet in virtual reality. Using the Horizon Workrooms app, they can then choose an avatar and meet colleagues in a virtual office.

Users must be able to interact with each other via speech, chat, gestures and facial expressions.

Virtual dashboard for more than 16 participants

During the interview, which took place in part in the Horizon workroom, Mark Zuckerberg revealed more details. Users: Those who connect their computers to the app inside should be able to share content and files with colleagues via a virtual dashboard, for example.

According to Zuckerberg, in the previous beta, which is currently in the testing phase, up to 16 participants could gather in this workroom. Other users can also join via a video call.

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Horizon workrooms: future or imagination?

Horizon Workrooms beta is currently available for free on Facebook Oculus Quest 2. As many users do MessagesThere are still some bugs in the picture and sound in the beta version. During the presentation, for example, Zuckerberg had to leave the workroom once because his avatar got stuck.

However, the Facebook CEO is confident about the future. In five to ten years at the most, as technology matures and devices become socially acceptable, Horizon workrooms will revolutionize the world of work. Offices as we know them today would be largely unnecessary.

This technology can absorb all the flaws of the classic home office, according to Zuckerberg. Unlike traditional video calls via Zoom or Skype, Horizon workrooms are more interactive and unconscious and also more effective thanks to virtual reality technology.

Zuckerberg’s target is metaverse

The idea behind Horizon workrooms is a bit older and more comprehensive. So Mark Zuckerberg’s long-term vision is to create an entire Metaverse that is almost exclusively based on VR technology and takes place in virtual reality.

According to Zuckerberg, such a metaverse is the next generation of the Internet. However, the Facebook CEO did not comment on the potential risks or data protection issues.

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Frank Mccarthy

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