Ferrari 6×6, the crazy project is becoming a reality

It is said that the line between genius and insanity is very thin in some cases. Obviously we struggle to decide if one or the other dominates Ferrari Testarossa 6×6 Capable of crashing the web. After all, who would have expected such a vehicle in person? Nevertheless, thanks to the creativity and bravery of Case Monkey Garage, the curious model became a reality.

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The pictures show it getting ready for Texas roads with a modified chassis to accommodate the extra axle and aggressive look. Needless to say, there is a total divide in opinion among users. The most savages are purists, and they define it “Insult to the Flag”. Without exaggerating the tone, we must recognize the originality of the project, precisely designed to stimulate debate. Good or bad, the important thing is that we talk about it briefly.

Now you might be wondering why the choice fell on the Testarossa out of a myriad of vehicles to choose from. The reason is simple: the great popularity that Italian jewelry has enjoyed for decades. Indeed, we are in the presence of a real oneHe is an eighties iconIt gained public recognition above all because of its clear lines and V12 engine. The beating twelve-cylinder heart goes beyond mere performance, rooted in a unique history, identity and philosophy.

It was adopted, first, by Enzo Ferrari, the founding father of Cavalino. Drake had a clear vision of the future of sports cars: He wanted them to be powerful, refined and exclusive. The V12 It was (and is) the best tool to finalize the project. Associated with the most prestigious projects in the range, it guarantees perfect mass balance and low vibration. And, with the same displacement, allows you to reach High rotational speed Thanks to the arrangement of the cylinders, for the benefit of power and delivery, more fluid and progressive.

Testarosa's elongated silhouette and wedge design make it the perfect platform for such a radical transformation. Additionally, the availability of units purchased by Richard Rawlings and used in previous film projects certainly facilitated the operation.

The Titanic Company

Making a 6×6 monster out of a two wheel drive supercar is no mean feat. The Chase In order to accommodate the additional axle and guarantee the required structural rigidity, the original production had to be substantially modified. Second, it is necessary to design a Transfer system Capable of transferring the V12's power to all six wheels, improving traction and maneuverability. As for the suspensions, in view of the new configuration, they should be revised from top to bottom. Only in this way can you ensure an acceptable driving comfort on any terrain.

Finally, Testarossa's appearance will receive some serious intervention. Beyond the extra axle, it gets new fenders, a more aggressive aerodynamic kit and a roll cage to increase safety. In the past, the company has demonstrated an ability to create ambitious and impactful works. In these we remember Midas Monkey CorvetteA 1968 Corvette converted into a legendary Hot Wheels.

Veronica Tucker

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