Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker – Free trial zum launch angekündigt

Der Early Access-Launch von Final Fantasy XIV: EndwalkerThe latest MMORPG expansion, this past weekend wasn’t perfect. As compensation, Square Enix advertises a free trial.

in a open letter For the players, director Naoki Yoshida apologizes for the problems, according to which registration in all regions was accompanied by very long waiting times and the progress of registration queues was very slow. FFXIV’s servers were completely pushed to the limit with the number of simultaneous logins, which resulted in issues. We apologize for that.

Free trial for existing players

To compensate for this, it was decided to launch a 7-day free trial of the official release on December 7, which is aimed at all players who have the full version of Final Fantasy XIV And it has an active subscription. This also includes players who are currently using the 30-day free play period included when signing up for the full game, as well as those with multiple accounts.

In addition, depending on the further development of the current mode, additional free playing time is planned. Time and details will be announced at a later time.

The official start of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Tomorrow is Tuesday. Here, too, possible problems should be expected if a large number of players flock to the server again.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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