Final Fantasy XIV – Square Enix introduces the ‘Endwalker’ expansion

Final Fantasy 14 fans can look forward to new content this year. Square Enix is ​​now showing a trailer for the next “Endwalker” expansion and offers a preview of its contents. It’s also clear that this online role-playing game is also for PlayStation 5 sound.

Endwalker is the fourth major expansion of the online role-playing game Final Fantasy 14, which launched at the end of 2010. Essentially, Endwalker must complete the story about Hydaelyn and Zodiark before continuing with an entirely new storyline. But before doing so, the world must once again be saved from its end. Additionally, players can travel to The Island of Thavnaire, Garlimald as well as to the Moon.

Square Enix announced a number of new features in the future. The maximum level goes up from 80 to 90, and there are new dungeons, another raid, new PvP content, new residential area, additional equipment and recipes and much more. An overview of other announced content can be found at The game site

Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker to start in Fall 2021 for PC and PC Playstation 4Additionally, the game appears in an enhanced version of PlayStation 5. Beta testing begins April 13th.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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