Fortnite: Best Players in 2021

Fortnite never stops. The developer Epic Games is constantly updating the battle royale shooter and always providing new stimuli. There are so far two seasons totaling 16 seasons – and potentially more. Of course, the updates also affect the esports pro’s metadata: with every season and every season, new players have a chance to make it big on Baller Island.

With the 2021 World Cup canceled, the esports scene in Fortnite is going through a year in transition, but there’s still a lot going on on the servers. A whole series of tournaments have taken place with incredibly exciting final matches in the past few months. The higher the prize money, the higher the interest: This year there has been a whopping $ 20 million in the Fortnite Championship Series (FNCS). In return, many fans tuned in as trios from all over the world showcased their talents. Back again: The skill gap in “Fortnite” has changed significantly and some players have retained their place at the top of the Fortnite ranking, while others are lagging behind. But who are the best Fortnite players now?

Best Fortnite Players

Currently among the top Fortnite professionals are famous names like Jannis “JannisZ” Matwin, Shane “EpikWhale” Cotton, Jack “Jahq” Downs, Moussa “chapix” Fh, Josef “Stretch” Liepshutz, Benjy “Benjyfishy” David Fish and Evan Barron. Cented “.

They all perform incredibly well – whether as members of teams in FNCS tournaments or in individual events. But you don’t have to be too confident in your position, because the best “Fortnite” players are very close to each other in their skills. So there has to be a lot of movement in the ranking of the best future “Fortnite” players.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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