Fortnite enters NBA mode! | NBA

Fans of the NBA and the successful “Fortnite” will be delighted. To celebrate the start of the “post-season”, the North American League further innovated in its development by investing “Fortnite” in a crossover game available from today. This allows you to equip yourself with an arsenal of outfits highlighting the 30 franchises as of May 22, the date the playoffs begin.

Also discover, the “Shooting the basket” package for the expression “Rolled ball” and the rear accessory “Portable basket”, which features the crest of 30 teams. The collaboration also included Donovan Mitchell and Tra Young, a big Fortnite fan who chose to pack lockers in the Object Store.

Donovan Mitchell’s wardrobe includes a “Shark Pajama” costume, a “Dorsal Squale” backpack attachment, a “Radical Splitter” ax, “Dynamic Fire” and “Fire Staff” leather. Trae Young’s wardrobe contains a “Scarlet Patroness” costume, a “Golden Spade” ax, “Happiness Stars” leather, and a “Balloon Pro” emotion.

Also starting Saturday, Crossover will be offering a five-day competition featuring the 30 NBA teams: Team Fights.

You can actually refer to the official “Fortnite x NBA Team Battle” page taking place from May 19-23, to register or support a team. Next week, the NBA will enter Creative Mode

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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